API Presets: URL for a preset with complex preconditions

Nicolas Grondin grondin.nicolas at gmail.com
Thu Dec 24 05:28:30 EST 2015

I'm trying to create a preset inspired on data store in MongoDB.

For example :
{ "_id" : "BOX_ADSL", "weight" : 0, "precondition" :
"configurations" : [ { "type" : "value", "name" :
"InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.PeriodicInformInterval", "value" :
"600" }, { "type" : "value", "name" :
"value" : "login at radius" }, { "type" : "value", "name" :
"value" : "password at radius" }, { "type" : "value", "name" :
"value" : "Phone Number" }, { "type" : "value", "name" :
"value" : "SIP_Id" }, { "type" : "value", "name" :
"value" : "SIPPassword" }, { "type" : "value", "name" :
"value" : "SIP:SIP_Id at RegistrarServerIP" }, { "type" : "value", "name" :
"InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.URL", "value" : "http://acs.url" },
{ "type" : "delete_tag", "tag" : "Provisioning" } ] }

What looks like the API's URL ?

Thanks for helping.

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