GenieACS strange crash

[PRE s.r.l.] - Alex alex at
Sat Feb 7 13:26:09 EST 2015

Hello to everyone,
I'm expecting a strange behavior using GenieACS with some voip 
equipments (CISCO SPA112 and SPA122)

7 Feb 18:56:31 - 00E16D-SPA112-CCQ18310G5K: Inform (2 PERIODIC); retry 
count 0
7 Feb 18:56:31 - 00E16D-SPA112-CCQ18310G5K: Started task 
util.error: Use console.error instead
2015-02-07T17:56:35.301Z - TypeError: Cannot read property 'attr' of 
     at parameterValueList (/opt/genieacs/lib/soap.js:137:31)
     at cpeGetParameterValuesResponse (/opt/genieacs/lib/soap.js:190:20)
     at Object.exports.request (/opt/genieacs/lib/soap.js:445:40)
     at /opt/genieacs/lib/cwmp.js:638:26
     at /opt/genieacs/lib/cwmp.js:575:12
     at bound (domain.js:254:14)
     at runBound (domain.js:267:12)
     at try_callback (/opt/genieacs/node_modules/redis/index.js:592:9)
     at RedisClient.return_reply 
     at HiredisReplyParser.<anonymous> 
7 Feb 18:56:35 - Worker 10492 died (null)

It seems like the SPA112 isn't pushing one of the requested parameters 
or somewhat like that.

Can anyone help me?
Thank you for your time
Regards, Alex


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