
Zaid Abdulla zaid at
Fri Jan 16 15:37:05 EST 2015

Dan's description about presets is spot on.

To answer some of the questions:

> Ok just checking so even if after I setup a preset I never ever go back to the GUI, genieacs-cwmp will still be using the presets that are setup in genieacs-gui.

You could run genieacs-cwmp by itself without the GUI. Presets are
stored in the database. genieacs-gui is just a GUI layer built on top of
the API.

> Question: I haven’t looked (and my instance is down right now), but does GenieACs do that refreshObject on every inform?

A refreshObject task is automatically queued and executed when the
device is first discovered or when it sends a bootstrap event. And also
in cases where a never before seen parameter is present in the inform
request. You could of course create a preset that will refresh certain
parameters periodically.

Presets always get checked at every inform. But if a parameter is
modified outside of the ACS, the ACS may not immediately see the updated
value. In that case, you could add a "refresh" configuration in your
preset to periodically check for any parameter changes.

It may seem like an expensive process to check presets at every inform,
but extensive use of caching makes this very efficient.


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