Display certain parameters value in show device

Fabien Bazille fab.baz22 at gmail.com
Fri May 22 08:55:07 EDT 2015


I would like to display some values on the show device page, I managed to
display them on the index page, but i think the problem should be in the


: {"alias" : "summary.mac", "type" : "mac"},

: {"alias" : "summary.ip"},

: {"alias" : "summary.wlanSsid"},

: {"alias" : "summary.wlanPassphrase"},

: {"alias" : "summary.DownstreamAttenuation"},

: {"alias" : "summary.UpstreamAttenuation"},

: {"alias" : "summary.DownstreamNoiseMargin"},

: {"alias" : "summary.UpstreamNoiseMargin"},

: {"alias" : "summary.DownstreamCurrRate"},

: {"alias" : "summary.UpstreamCurrRate"},

I think it's the show.html.erb in the div summary who cause my trouble:

<div class="summary">
<% for k,v in Rails.configuration.summary_parameters %>
  <% if v.is_a?(String) %>
    <strong><%= k %>:</strong>
    <%= param_value(v, @device) %>
    <% if (p = get_param(v, @device)) != nil and p['_writable'] and
can_edit_parameters %>
    <% options =
Rails.configuration.parameters_edit[p['_path'].gsub(/\.\d+\./, '..')] %>
    <a href="#" onclick='editParam("<%= v %>", "<%= p['_type'] %>", <%=
p['_value'].to_json.html_safe %>, <%= options.to_json.html_safe %>);return
    <% end %>
  <% else %>
    <h2><%= k %></h2>
    <%= render partial: 'object_table', locals: {params: v} %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

If you have an advice, i'll take it.

Thanks for your time

Fabien B
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