SSL: PEM pass phrase

Markus Mehlan markus.mehlan at
Wed May 27 02:25:13 EDT 2015

Am 26.05.2015 um 14:55 schrieb Markus Mehlan:
> When I start genieacs with configured SSL, it asks me always for
> the PEM pass phrase". Where can I store the passphrase?
> Regards, Markus

You have to change following files if you want to use certs with passphrase:

add new Parameter to options

     type: 'string',

add passphrase to options

if (useHttps) {
   path = require('path');
   fs = require('fs');
   httpsKey = path.resolve(config.get('CONFIG_DIR'), "" + service + ".key");
   httpsCert = path.resolve(config.get('CONFIG_DIR'), "" + service + 
   options = {
     key: fs.readFileSync(httpsKey),
     cert: fs.readFileSync(httpsCert),
     passphrase: config.get(service.toUpperCase()+'_PASSPHRASE')
   server = require('https').createServer(options, listener);
} else {
   server = require('http').createServer(listener);

Add parameter CWMP_PASSPHRASE to file

   "CWMP_PORT" : 443,
   "CWMP_SSL" : true,
   "CWMP_PASSPHRASE" : "TopSecret",


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