Missing summary.lastBoot and lastBootstrap

h0rst h0rst at localh0rst.de
Tue Jan 5 06:34:17 EST 2016

Hi there!

We are using GenieACS to do some basic configuration (like VLANs, WANIPConnection etc) 
of our customers CPEs. This is working great so far. Right now, we want to take it a 
step further and try to configure VoIP Accounts too. We don't want to to use the Presets 
of GenieACS since we don't want to have any usernames/passwords directly stored in the 
GenieACS Database (and if i understood it correctly, the presets do not scale very well 
when there a a few thousand customers). Instead we want to use another Service that polls 
GenieACS (via the API) for "summary.lastBootstrap" and "summary.lastBoot" events.

Thats when the problem starts. It seems those values are not stored anywhere. I can see
the "summary.lastInform" values, but not "summary.lastBoot" or "summary.lastBootstrap".

Even if the GenieACS logs tell me that such an event happened,

> 5 Jan 11:46:51 - 00040E-FRITZ%21Box-XXXXXXXXXXXX: Inform (1 BOOT,0 BOOTSTRAP); retry count 0

the values are not stored anywhere. Am i missing something?

I hope someone can point me in the right direction! Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

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