How to use custom commands

Oliver Kraitschy okraits at
Wed Jul 6 10:25:35 EDT 2016

On Fri, Jul 01, 2016 at 09:36:22AM +0200, Oliver Kraitschy wrote:

> I want to do an automatic firmware update triggered by the ACS, with a preset.
> Just adding a Software version configuration to a preset didn't trigger the
> firmware update.
> Can i trigger it with a custom command then? (I can push a file from the gui
> so it should be doable with a custom command.) Did you already do that in the
> past? If yes, can you share how you did it?

In the meantime, i wrote a custom command to do a firwmare update with a
preset, simply by inserting a download task into the task queue like it is
done by GenieACS-GUI and in in the case of a RequestDownload.

What is the difference between this and pushing firmware actively, which isn't
implemented yet according to Zaid in #106?

Another question, is it possible to execute a custom command only once?


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