genieacs-1.1.0-alpha cannot do Download Method.

Chia-Ching Hung hchiaching at
Wed Nov 2 04:36:03 EDT 2016

I install the latest dev version of genieacs and genieacs-gui. But I cannot
do Download Method.

When I do download method, cwmp will have an error. I capture the packets
and saw there has an error message is "Error: Task name not recognized"

And I check the cwmp log. it show:

throw err;

Does anyone know what the problem is?
I check the content of /opt/genieacs/lib/cwmp.js. It recognize some case
like 'getParameterValues', 'setParameterValues', 'refreshObject',
'reboot', 'factoryReset',
but there is no case 'download'. I'm not sure if it is the problem or not.
<from 佳慶>
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