Defining the execution order of presets

Oliver Kraitschy oliver at
Tue Apr 4 08:45:31 EDT 2017

Hello everybody,

I'm busy migrating our provisioning workflow to v1.1. I would like to 
have the following workflow/order:

A new device is registered at the ACS. Then the following should happen:

1. If there's a firmware on the ACS newer than the device firmware, then 
the device should download that firmware and install it.
2. Device-specific parameters should be set (DSL credentials, 
openvpn/firewall/network settings, etc).
3. All device parameters should be refreshed.

I tried to implement that workflow/order using tags 

1. tag != updated -> execute provision "Update-Firmware" which adds tag 
"updated" at the end
2. tag = updated && tag != configured -> Set parameters, add objects etc 
(directly in the preset), add tag "configured"
3. tag = configured && tag != refreshed -> Refresh InternetGatewayDevice 
60 seconds, add tag "refreshed"

Nevertheless, this doesn't work as expected.

The first preset and the corresponding firmware update provision run 
smoothly and the tag "updated" is created.
Then the second preset is executed, the parameters are set and it seems 
that the RefreshObject task is run immediately afterwards.
But the tags "configured" and "refreshed" don't appear until the 
RefreshObject task is finished.

I tried to fix this by adding a Refresh configuration with 10 seconds to 
every preset to force cache invalidation but then no device is 
registered and it doesn't show up in the gui, even when the third preset 
is already running.

Can anybody explain this weird behaviour or what I am doing wrong?

Help is greatly appreciated.


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