Push File pushes Vendor Configuration File repeatedly every few hours instead of once

Michael Ducharme mducharme at gmail.com
Thu Dec 28 17:27:27 EST 2017


We have just started using the Vendor Configuration File option via Push 
File. It works, but there is a problem. It seems that every few hours it 
is pushing the Vendor Configuration File again, overwriting whatever 
customized config was done on that device after the original Vendor 
Config File load. This is problematic because we customize the config on 
the device and then the Vendor Config File pushes again all by itself 
without us wanting that.

I have narrowed down the issue to the fact that clicking "Refresh" 
button for the "Download" tree in GenieACS seems to trigger the reload 
of the Vendor Config File immediately.

I thought "Push File" was supposed to be a one-time thing instead of 
repeatedly pushing on a regular basis?

Any help would be appreciated.


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