
noc@gibfibrespeed.net mberniz at gibfibrespeed.net
Fri Jan 20 13:06:26 EST 2017


I have setup a provisioning flow based on additive tags that is working pretty well. At the end of the flow, I setup inform interval to 86400 to avoid too much SPAM from the ONUs. 

It happens that I require to have a "Panic" button in my CRM so I can completely turn eveything to an initial state from there. It reconfigures the OLT, then factoryReset the ONU, then delete the preset (containing variable data) for that ONU, then deletes the device and then creates the preset for that device. 

Everything works but the factoryReset when the task is added through the API: 

root@ genieacs :/opt/ genieacs /config# curl -i ' http://X.X.X.X:7557/devices/083FBC-F668A-ZTENQXXXXXXXXX/tasks?timeout=5000%26connection_request ' -X POST --data '{ "name": "factoryReset" }' 
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted 
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 11:27:22 GMT 
Connection: keep-alive 
Transfer-Encoding: chunked 

It gets 202 Accepted, which means device did not respond in time, and I see the task queued for the device. That task does not execute until the next inform, which may take up to a day. 

But if I use the gui to make factory reset, it always works real time and the device is immediately reset. What could be the cause of this? 

I have noticed Date response from API is 1 hour behind the real time of the system, which is sync with NTP with the correct TZ in the system. Could this be the reason? Otherwise, I have to clue. 

Thanks in advance, 

Miguel Berniz 
3rd Level Network Engineer 

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