Setting parameters with unknow index

Marco Marino marino.mrc at
Thu Sep 7 06:55:11 EDT 2017

Hi Dan, thank you for your code. It is really useful!
Anyway, I have problem with indexes because:

Vendor released a fw with 2 WANDevice because it works in two cases: with
the DSL port and with the LAN4 port used as WAN. Basically this creates a
first problem: I have InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1 that is unused,
InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.2 that is the ptm device and
InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.3 that is used for pppoe over eth4. (I
don't know why InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1 is unused!)

It seems to me that the index of "WANConnectionDevice" is incremented of 2
in an unordered manner each time a new WANDevice is added. In fact, in my
case I have:
lastly, if I try to add a new wanconnectiondevice for example to
WANDevice.1, the assigned index is 5!! in fact I have:

please, note that the index of wanconnectiondevice is unordered.

Following your code, my idea is to completely drop any WANDevice and any
WANConnectionDevice during the script execution and then recreate only

but at the moment this doesn't work. Basically I'm trying with:
declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.*", null, {path: 1});
declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.*.WANConnectionDevice.*", null,
{path: 1});
null, {path: 1});

so, my question is, how can I completely drop the configuration and then
recreate only
during the script execution? My idea is to do this in the function

Thank you

2017-09-06 19:57 GMT+02:00 Dan Morphis <dan at>:

> Look at using provisioning scripts. I'm still not understanding why you
> care about the last index? What you really want is to only have 1
> WANPPPConnection instance on each WANConnectionDevice instance. I'm going
> to presume you would want all the WANPPPConnection instances (on each
> WANConnection) to have the same credentials?
> This is the provision script I use. This script checks for a "Provisioned"
> tag on the CPE, if the CPE has the Provisioned tag, then the script
> returns. At the end of the script, the Provisioned tag is set. This script
> is kicked off by a preset which has the following preconditions: Tags !=
> Provisioned, Tags == Routed. Our CPEs can be in one of two states, Routed
> or Bridged.
> Data is returned to the provisioning script from an external script (line
> 18). The external script interfaces with our subscriber management system
> which returns the username and password for the given CPE, as well as Wi-Fi
> and DHCP settings (we don't allow customers access to the CPE and require
> them to do all configuration through our portal which stores the Wi-Fi and
> DHCP settings (with the passphrase stored encrypted).
> ***********************************************************************
> Provisioning script ***************************************************
> const now =;
> let provisioned = declare("Tags.Provisioned", {value: 1});
> if (provisioned.value !== undefined) {
>     log('CPE is (allegedly) provisioned, returning');
>     return;
> }
> let model = declare("InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.ModelName", {value: 1}).value[0];
> let serialNumber = declare("DeviceID.SerialNumber", {value: 1}).value[0];
> let productClass = declare("DeviceID.ProductClass", {value: 1}).value[0];
> let oui = declare("DeviceID.OUI", {value: 1}).value[0];
> let args = {serial: serialNumber, productClass: productClass, oui: oui};
> //Get the PPPoE creds
> let config = ext('cpe-config', 'resetPppoe', JSON.stringify(args));
> if (!config) {
>     log('No config returned from API');
>     return;
> }
> //Disable the WANIPConnection instance on the ATM interface
> log('Disabling WANIPConnection');
> declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANIPConnection.*.Enable", {path: now, value: now}, {value: false});
> refreshWlan();
> setupBaseWanPppConnection();
> setAccountSpecificSettings(config);
> setConnectionServicesAndDns();
> //Refresh the mac and external ip
> declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.*.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANPPPConnection.*.MACAddress", {value: now});
> updateTags(config);
> bouncePppoeConnection();
> return; //Not explicitly needed, but I want to prevent any extranious code at the bottom from executing...
> function updateTags(config) {
>     if (config.tags) {
>         if (config.tags.add && config.tags.add.length) {
>             log('Adding tags: ' + config.tags.add.join(', '));
>             for (let [index, tag] of Object.entries(config.tags.add)) {
>                 log('Tag: ' + tag);
>                 declare("Tags." + tag, null, {value: true});
>             }
>         }
>         if (config.tags.remove && config.tags.remove.length) {
>             log('Removing tags: ' + config.tags.remove.join(', '));
>             for (let [index, tag] of Object.entries(config.tags.remove)) {
>                 log('Tag: ' + tag);
>                 declare("Tags." + tag, null, {value: false});
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     log('Done configuring. Setting provisioned tag');
>     declare("Tags.Provisioned", null, {value: true});
> }
> function refreshWlan() {
>     //Refresh the WLAN config
>     log('Refreshing WLAN');
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.*.WLANConfiguration.*.*", {path: now});
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.*.WLANConfiguration.*.SSID", {value: now});
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.1.WLANConfiguration.*.Enable", {value: now}, {value: true});
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.1.WLANConfiguration.*.X_SMARTRG_COM_BaseMacAsDefaultPassPhrase", {value: now}, {value: false});
> }
> function setupBaseWanPppConnection() {
>     //Ensure we have a WANPPPConnection instance
>     log('Creating WANPPPConnection (if necessary)');
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANPPPConnection.*", null, {path: 1});
>     log('Setting up WANPPPConnection');
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANPPPConnection.*.*", {path: now}); //Refresh the node...
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANPPPConnection.*.Name", {value: now}, {value: "Internet"});
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANPPPConnection.*.ConnectionType", {value: now}, {value: "IP_Routed"});
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANPPPConnection.*.X_BROADCOM_COM_IfName", {value: now}, {value: "ppp0.1"});
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANPPPConnection.*.NATEnabled", {value: now}, {value: true});
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANPPPConnection.*.X_BROADCOM_COM_FirewallEnabled", {value: now}, {value: true});
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANPPPConnection.*.Enable", {value: now}, {value: true});
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANPPPConnection.*.PPPoEServiceName", {value: now}, {value: "broadband"});
> }
> function setAccountSpecificSettings(config) {
>     //{value: now} forces GenieACS to update the value of the username/password if the value hasn't been updated before now
>     log('Setting un: ' + config.username + ', pw: ' + config.password);
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.*.WANConnectionDevice.*.WANPPPConnection.*.Username", {value: now}, {value: config.username});
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.*.WANConnectionDevice.*.WANPPPConnection.*.Password", {value: now}, {value: config.password});
>     //Refresh the vParams
>     declare("VirtualParameters.pppoeUsername", {value: now});
>     if (config.settings) {
>         log('Setting wifi/dhcp config');
>         for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(config.settings)) {
>             log('KVP', {key: key, value: value });
>             declare(key, {value: now}, {value: value});
>         }
>     }
> }
> function setConnectionServicesAndDns() {
>     log('Setting connection services');
>     let hasWanPort = declare("Tags.WanPort", {value: 1}).value !== undefined;
>     let connServices = 'ppp0.1';
>     if (hasWanPort) {
>         connServices = 'ppp0.1,ppp1.1';
>     }
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.Layer3Forwarding.*", {value: now});
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.Layer3Forwarding.X_BROADCOM_COM_DefaultConnectionServices", {value: now}, {value: connServices});
>     declare("InternetGatewayDevice.X_BROADCOM_COM_NetworkConfig.DNSIfName", {value: now}, {value: connServices});
> }
> function bouncePppoeConnection() {
>     //Bounce the PPPoE connection
>     switch (model) {
>         case 'SR515ac':
>             log('Rebooting, because the CPE is dumb', {model: model});
>             declare("Reboot", null, {value:});
>             break;
>         case 'SR510N':
>         default:
>             log('Bouncing the WANPPPConnection instances');
>             declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.*.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANPPPConnection.*.Reset", {value: now}, {value: true});
>     }
> }
> ***********************************************************************
> External script. Lives in genieacs/config/ext/cpe-config.js
> ***************************************************
> const API_URL = process.env.API_URL || '';
> const url = require("url");
> const http = require(API_URL.split(":", 1)[0]);
> function resetPppoe(args, callback) {
>     let params = JSON.parse(args[0]);
>     const uri = API_URL + "/ResetPPPoECreds?serial=" + params.serial + '&productClass=' + params.productClass + '&oui=' + params.oui;
>     console.log({ uri: uri, serial: params.serial });
>     let options = url.parse(uri);
>     options.headers = {
>         accept: 'application/json',
>         "content-type": 'application/json'
>     };
>     let request = http.get(options, function (response) {
>         if (response.statusCode == 404) {
>             return callback(null, null);
>         }
>         if (response.statusCode >= 400) {
>             return callback(new Error("Unexpected error resetting PPPoE credentials. Response Code: " + response.statusCode + '. Status Message: ' + response.statusMessage + '. t: ' + typeof response.statusCode));
>         }
>         let data = "";
>         response.on("data", function (d) {
>             data = data + d.toString();
>         });
>         response.on("end", function () {
>             let result = JSON.parse(data);
>             console.log('Returning credentials to client', result);
>             return callback(null, result);
>         });
>     });
>     request.on("error", function (err) {
>         console.log('args');
>         console.log(arguments);
>         callback(err);
>     });
> }
> exports.resetPppoe = resetPppoe;
> On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 11:21 PM, Marco Marino <marino.mrc at>
> wrote:
>> More precisely, I can also access a WANDevice using a "condition" if
>> possible. For example, I need to reset
>> InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.X.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANP
>> PPConnection.1.Username
>> if and only if
>> InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.X.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANPPPConnection.1.Username
>> = "test"
>> Is there some way to do this? This kind of operation is better than using
>> last index on WANDevice in my case.
>> Thank you,
>> Marco
>> 2017-09-06 8:51 GMT+02:00 Marco Marino <marino.mrc at>:
>>> Hi Dan, Thank you for your answer. But the problem is the index = 3
>>> (InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.3   !!!) how can I select only last
>>> WANDevice ?? Obviously I don't know a priori how many WANDevices are
>>> configured on the device.
>>> Thank you
>>> 2017-09-05 19:05 GMT+02:00 Dan Morphis <dan at>:
>>>> Why only the last PPP connection? Why would you want to have more than
>>>> one PPP connection?
>>>> Here is how I do it:
>>>> First tell Genie you only want one item:
>>>> declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.3.WANConnectionDevice.1.
>>>> WANPPPConnection.*", {value:}, {path: 1}); // path: 1 says
>>>> only one value
>>>> Then you set the values:
>>>> declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.3.WANConnectionDevi
>>>> ce.1.WANPPPConnection.*.Username", {value:}, {value:
>>>> "someUsername"});
>>>> declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.3.WANConnectionDevi
>>>> ce.1.WANPPPConnection.*.Password", {value:}, {value:
>>>> "somePassword"});
>>>> On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 6:12 AM, Marco Marino <marino.mrc at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi, I need to set the following parameter:
>>>>> InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.3.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANP
>>>>> PPConnection.1.Username
>>>>> The problem is that I don't know a priori the index of
>>>>> InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.X
>>>>> Is there a way using a provision script to set *last* index of
>>>>> WANDevice ??
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Marco
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