How do add new node to genieacs

George Chelidze george.chelidze at
Mon Jun 11 03:33:50 EDT 2018

Hi Lukas,

You can set up a preset to refresh desired parameter:

Create a new preset:

*/Name: refresh-xcatv/*

*/Channel: </**/lea/**/ve empty/**/>/**/

*/Weight: 0/**/

*/Schedule: <leave e/**/mpty/**/>/**/

*/Events: <leave empty>/**/

*/Precondition: <lea/**/ve as is/**/>/**/

*/Configuration/**/s:/**/<mouse over /**/+ sign, select Refresh/**/>/**/

the first edit box/**/after Refresh, leave the second edit box empty/**/

Save the preset, wait for inform message.

Hope that helps.


George Chelidze

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