Questions on presets / Firmware upgrade

Zaid Abdulla zaid at
Tue May 1 15:42:04 EDT 2018

On Fri, 2018-04-27 at 17:20 +0400, George Chelidze wrote:
> 2. What is Channel used for?

Channels are used to isolate different processes such that if there's a
fault in one, the others will not be affected. For example, if a fault
occures in your firmware upgrade preset(s), only that will be put on
hold (until retry timeout) while prests belonging to other channels
will continue to be applied.

> 3. How exactly weights work?

I'm not going to read all that code, sorry :) Basically, if you attempt
to modify the same parameter in two different presets, the one with the
*higher* weight will take precedence.

> 4. Empty events field contains the following hint: e.g. "1 BOOT, -0
> BOOTSTRAP". What does "-0 BOOTSTRAP" means? Does it means "any event
> except 0 BOOTSTRAP"?\


> 5. If we put two events separated by comma (1 BOOT, 2 PERIODIC), will
> a preset be executed in case of any of these events of both events
> should be present as in the following example:

Both events have to be present for the preset to apply.

> 7. How Arguments fields can be used for Provision in presets? Should
> it contain static arguments or any kind of substitution like
> ${InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.ModelName} as well. If this kind
> of substitution is supported, what is correct syntax?
> 8. How can Arguments passed from presets (see question #6) be
> accessed in provision? Any examples?

Arguments are static values and can be accessed from the script using
the 'args' global variable (array).

Zaid Abdulla <zaid at>

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