
George Chelidze george.chelidze at
Fri May 18 12:15:25 EDT 2018

Hi Petar,
> I would like to  know how to configure Presets for the case when I
> want a modem to send a new value for requested KPIs whenever it sends 
> 'PERIODIC' message?
Not sure about the value for requested KPI (at least it's not the term
used in TR-069 world), but you can easily setup a preset and refresh any
object available in your device's objects tree:

Name: refresh-uptime
Channel: <empty>
Weight: 0
Schedule: <empty>
Events: 2 PERIODIC
Preconditions: <empty>

Refresh | InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.UpTime | every | <empty> |
seconds x

In the example above, your ACS will request
InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.UpTime object to be refreshed as soon
as periodic event occurs. If you also put some value in the box to the
right (instead of <empty>), refresh will happen every so many seconds
not every PeriodicInformInterval. Keep in mind that this makes sense if
this value is more than PeriodicInformInterval.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

George Chelidze

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