Problem with easycwmp in openwrt + GenieACS

luis garcia luisgarciavalle97 at
Thu May 24 12:28:06 EDT 2018

I've installed in a local machine GenieACS server and I've a TP-Link with
Openwrt firmware and easycwmp module.

I have a problem when te GenieACS is trying to receive the parameters of
the router. GenieACS catch some parameters such as Manufacturer, OUI,
SerialNumber, etc...

But GenieACS don't catch the "important" parameters such as IP addresses of
the interfaces and the rest od the network parameters.

I have the next configuration:

GenieACS Machine ---


*"use strict";*

*function connectionRequest(deviceId, url, username, password, callback) {*
*  return callback('root', 'admin');*

In auth.js I putted the user and pass of the TP-Link router, I have many
doubts if it is the correct configuration of this file.

TP-Link with OpenWRT ---


*config local*
*        option interface 'eth0'*
*        option port '7547'*
*        option ubus_socket '/var/run/ubus.sock'*
*        option date_format '%FT%T%z'*
*        option username 'root'*
*        option password 'admin'*
        (Here are the credentials of the router)
*        option logging_level '3'*

*config acs*
*        option url '
*        option username 'admin'*
*        option password 'admin'*
        (Here are the credentials of the login genieACS)
*        option periodic_enable '1'*
*        option periodic_interval '10'*
*        option periodic_time '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'*

*config device*
*        option oui 'FFFFFF'*
*        option serial_number 'FFFFFF123456'*
*        option manufacturer 'OpenWrt*
* <>'*
*        option product_class 'Generic'*
*        option hardware_version 'v0'*
*        option software_version 'r7017-01c2ce3c7d'*

I tried also to restart the easycwmp service after make the changes.

I run the service with the next command: easycwmpd -f -g

Maybe i don't think the problem are in the command because GenieACS receive
parameters in periodic form correctly.

Other thing that make me missed is the result of the "easycwmp get" command
because the result are correct. It back all the parameters correctly.

So please if someone can help me...

I was trying to resolve the problem during the 6 last days.


PD: If someone need more information about my configuration, please ask to
me and I'll response as soon as posible.

Luis García
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