preset schedule

George Chelidze george.chelidze at
Wed Nov 21 04:35:53 EST 2018

On 11/21/18 9:17 AM, varat za wrote:
> Hi.
> I want to refresh (send GPV to CPE) the
> "InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.UpTime" every minute for the CPE
> having serial number 000000000000.
> I did some test adding presets, but it did not go as I intended. 
> please give me some 'preset' for that?
> thank you.. 

A CPE sends periodic Inform message every
"InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.PeriodicInformInterval" seconds.
So for you to be able to read InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.UpTime
once a minute you should at least set PeriodicInformInterval value to
something that is less or equal to 60 (seconds). Let's say you set it to
30, which means that your CPE sends 2 Informs per minute. Not every
Inform contains all the objects which CPE manages on it's end and UpTime
is not an exception. So, to get the up to date information about UpTime
you should ask your CPE to send it back - you do it by sending special
instruction in your response to the original Inform message. As you get
2 Informs per minute, you don't need to ask your CPE to send UpTime
information twice, you only need to do it once a minute. So, you specify
"every 60 seconds" in your preset and Genie knows when to put this
"special instruction" in response. Alternatively, you can set
PeriodicInformInterval to 60 and leave "every ... seconds" field empty
(which means every time a preset applies).

Keep in mind, that you shouldn't bind your preset to "1 BOOT" event, as
you need it to be executed with every inform.

To summarize: keep it simple.

* Set PeriodicInformInterval to 60 (this one has nothing to do with a
preset, set it on your CPE)

* Leave events field empty

* Leave "every ... seconds" field empty

Hope this helps.


George Chelidze

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