Firmware Upgrade Image - user defined settings

Simon Ryf simon.ryf at
Mon Sep 24 05:12:44 EDT 2018

Hi there,

I’m trying to customize the «Firmware Upgrade Image» cmd a bit and failed so far.
In you describe the following 2 parameters:

-FileName (= Part of the URL)

-Download (= DelaySeconds)

Which in a provision is:

declare("Downloads.[FileType:1 Firmware Upgrade Image]",

        {path: 1}, {path: 1});

declare("Downloads.[FileType:1 Firmware Upgrade Image].FileName",

        {value: 1}, {value: " FW-Image.bin "});

declare("Downloads.[FileType:1 Firmware Upgrade Image].Download",

        {value: 1}, {value:});

The resulting CWMP XML is the following:

<FileType>1 Firmware Upgrade Image</FileType>









Trying to modify the whole url oder other settings did not work (within a provision). Is there any way to describe the full URL (different to the FS_IP/FS_HOSTNAME in config.json) the reason behind is that we have different interfaces and different devices are using different interfaces to download software or connect to CWMP-Service.
Not as important but also related: Is there any way to use and supply Username and Password (e.g. if I have the fileserver behind Nginx with authentication.

Thank you
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