AW: Query Regarding Firmware Upgrade

Michael Neumann mn at
Wed Aug 24 07:34:45 EDT 2016


i have used successfull genieacs for firmware update over api. I have uploaded the required files over the webui and then i started the update task over api.

For me that wiki was great:
There you can find also the API calls for file upload. But i haven’t used file upload over api.

The logs from you looks not so bad at all.

I think you should look if you can find some more usefull in the log of the cpe.
For me it looks like that the genieacs server is starting the file upload tasks fine.

Have you checked if the instance of the file server is running and if the port is open and accessable from the cpe.

If you don’t find something on the cpe log I would try to capture the communication between server and cpe - e.g. with tcpdump on the server.


Michael Neumann


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Von: Users [mailto:users-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Rupam Kumari
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 24. August 2016 12:54
An: Community support for GenieACS users <users at>
Betreff: Query Regarding Firmware Upgrade

Hi Team,

We are trying to upgrade firmware using API. 

1. First we call the API to upload the file on geniesacs server. File is uploaded successfully on server using this API.
2.  To further push this firmware file we are facing two issues :
o Which API should be call to push firmware to CPE devices. (Firmware file that is  uploaded in first step)
o We are also trying to push the uploaded firmware file manually through genieacs GUI. But this is also not working.
o Below we have mentioned the logs for your reference. In which it is showing file is proceed successfully. but there is nothing changed or upgraded in CPE device's firmware.
Logs :
 20 Router%20WR3005N3-0CD2B5516715: Started task  download(57bd411a1cf5efe51374b2b3)
24 Aug 12:09:25 - 0CD2B5-Wireless%20Router%20WR3005N3-0CD2B5516715: Completed task download(57bd411a1cf5efe51374b2b3)
24 Aug 12:09:27 - 0CD2B5-Wireless%20Router%20WR3005N3-0CD2B5516715: Inform (7 TRANSFER COMPLETE); retry count 0
24 Aug 12:09:27 - 0CD2B5-Wireless%20Router%20WR3005N3-0CD2B5516715: Transfer complete

Please help us to resolve the issue. Thank you in advance.

Thanks & Regards,
Rupam kumari

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