Configuring genieacs UI

Oliver Kraitschy okraits at
Tue May 10 03:24:56 EDT 2016

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 08:03:40AM +0100, James Harrison wrote:

> I'd strongly recommend plonking nginx in front of it as a reverse proxy;
> this has the huge security benefit that you need not run Rails as root,
> which it would need to to bind to port 80. nginx can also handle static
> content serving much faster than Rails.
> I'd also consider a non-default-rails server; thin is a reasonable
> server, unicorn even moreso, puma if it can be threaded, and passenger
> (mod_rails) performs as well as the rest.

To make this clear: i assumed that Philipp was talking about his
development environment, not about a production system. That's why i was
talking about the RoR development server. Of course it's only meant for
development purposes and you need to get a proper rails server for your
production system. And i would also recommend to use nginx as a reverse


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