How can I dynamically set configuration items?

Philip Boulton philipb at
Fri May 13 12:24:07 EDT 2016

Dear gentle genieacs UI users, I am wondering if there is a way to 
dynamically set configuration items using arbitrary algorithms or 
results from external queries.

For example, say I want to set a made-up-parameter called 
Device.WIFI.SSID to be 'Philip' + last 6 characters of MAC address for 
all devices that meet the conditions for a preset.  How would I do that?

If the UI doesn't provide a way to do this, can you point me to where in 
the code it would make sense to hook that in?  I'm not afraid to node.

Possibly-related: What exactly is an object, and can somebody show me an 
example object that might get added to a device and explain what that does?

BTW, love the project.  Good work, people.


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