Self-Config Huawey

Manel Mendoza ( Delinternet ) manel at
Tue Nov 29 16:54:32 EST 2016



I’m using genieacs to automate the deployment of some huawey routers that
nowadays are done manually.


My config is quite easy and could be divided in some parts.


1-      Change lan IP address that I will do by “presets” and tags.

2-      Create a WAnConnection.

3-      Create a VoIP config if it is needed.


I have some doubts to achieve to point number 2.

Is mandatory to create an object before set the pope username ? 

 Have you got any example of object ? 

 It’s is possible to create this object just on the first boot ?

What is the difference between a preset on boot, bootstrap ant other options


Is there any place with an example or mail similar to my ultimate goal ?


King regards,


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