Fault response for task

Marco Marino marino.mrc at gmail.com
Fri May 12 04:08:35 EDT 2017

Hi, I'm using genieacs v1.0 and I have an error with ZTE devices:

11 May 16:56:34 - C4A366-ZXHN%20H267N%20V1%2E0-ZTEEG8FG6U00170:
Started task refreshObject(59147330269ac1387c570a6d)
11 May 16:56:35 - C4A366-ZXHN%20H267N%20V1%2E0-ZTEEG8FG6U00170: Fault
response for task 59147330269ac1387c570a6d. Retrying after 2400

How can I identify and solve the problem? It seems that there is some
parameter not valid during the execution of getParameterValues but I'm
not sure.

Thank you,

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