New npm version

Zaid Abdulla zaid at
Thu Nov 16 03:57:14 EST 2017

On Tue, 2017-11-07 at 08:07 +0000, Michael Neumann wrote:
> what is the plan about a new npm version for genieacs? I was working
> with version 1.1.1 - but I need some bugfixes from the last commits?
> What need to be done - or can I help something to make a new release?

I have a few small fixes left to do. Unless new issuces come up, I
expect to publish a new release in a week or so.

> What need to be done - or can I help something to make a new release?

Thanks for the offer. Using the lastest master and reporting any issues
would be great.

Zaid Abdulla <zaid at>

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