Catch faults?

Zaid Abdulla zaid at
Thu Apr 26 13:21:33 EDT 2018

On Thu, 2018-04-19 at 21:31 +0000, Veo Chen wrote:
> We’d like to be able to catch a fault when it occurs but haven’t been
> able to find anything to hook into. We have an API service that
> interacts with genie. It’s trivial to notify the API when a provision
> script starts or successfully finishes so we know the status of any
> provisioning jobs. When a fault occurs, there’s no way to know unless
> we periodically check for faults, unless I’m missing something? I
> really don’t want to resort to a cron job if it can be avoided…

There's no way to listen to faults other than manual checking
periodically. Typically you shouldn't need to do that because Genie
will automatically reattempt whatever configuration triggered the
fault. When everything is configured right, you shouldn't need to do
any housekeeping for your devices.

Zaid Abdulla <zaid at>

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