Object instance state out of sync between Genie and CPE

Zaid Abdulla zaid at genieacs.com
Sat Feb 7 17:10:56 EST 2015

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015, at 10:28 PM, Manny Veloso wrote:
> Hi Zaid,
> With active notifications you can do it. Basically:
> 1. Set active notification on WiFi.SSID, channel, etc.
> 2. When the user changes any of the wifi settings in the local gui, the
> device will inform with a value_change
> 3. If the inform header has any of the wifi settings in it, pull the set
> of wifi parameters that are considered important from the device
> The downside is that makes your model more complicated, because now your
> model isn¹t really a representation of the device - some of it is desired
> state, some of it is current device state.

Manny, the idea that the object model in the database is a
representation of the desired state of the device, while interesting,
has its own limitations. One such limitation is that search
functionality because less useful and less predictable.

Also consider more complex provisioning work flows that can't be
achieved by simply synching device parameters with a desired state.
Presets, however, can potentially support such scenario in the future.


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